Focus ON_Daniele Catalli

Miraculous exhibition of natural phenomena and Ovid’s ‘The Metamorphoses

The exhibition is included in the International Book Fair Torino OFF programme. The book Le Metamorfosi di Ovidio Daniele Catalli, Alice Patrioli was published by L’ippocampo Edizioni.

Ovid’s Metamorphoses return in a new guise for a grandiose performance where every element can change in a breath. The drawings realised by Daniele in the new edition of L’ippocampo, with translation and prose version by Alice Patrioli, take inspiration precisely from the “indistinct boundaries between different worlds” that according to Calvino represent one of the dominant themes of the work.The exhibition traces the creative process through preparatory studies, sketches and artefacts. Daniele Catalli composes a work inspired by ancient volumes of natural science, moving from detailed drawing to sketch, from watercolour to digital illustration. What metamorphosis can mean in our contemporary world.

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